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Questions you can ask the Interviewer

1.   What are the company's greatest strengths?
2.   In what areas it the company trying to improve?
3.   Who will I report to?
4.   Could you give some examples of projects I would be working on?
5.   How much travel is involved?
6.   Will relocation be required?
7.   What kind of assignments could I expect in the first 6 months?
8.   What products (or services or stores) are in the development stage?
9.   Is this a new position or will I be replacing someone?
10. What is the largest single problem facing your company now?
11. What qualities are you looking for in a candidate?
12. What characteristics do successful employees in your company share?
13. Is there a lot of team work?
14. Describe the advancement opportunities.
15. What growth areas do you foresee?
16. Will I be encouraged to attend professional conferences?
17. Could you describe your training program?
18. How frequently are performance appraisals done?
19. How do you feel about the company?
20. Could you describe possible advancements within the company?
21. What is the next step in the interview process?
22. What is the company's management philosophy?
23. What would a typical day be like?
24. How much contact is there with management?
25. Is this job a result of increased growth or expansion?

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